How to create and edit dialog flows.
Here are basic instructions of how to create a dialog flow in the app Dialog Editor.
Creating a dialog flow
1. Open the Dialog Editor app.
2. Start with clicking ”Create new dialog. Fill in information in the fly-out:
a) Try to make the title concise and specific, for example: “Instructions on how to become a business customer”. Note that you must have a title.
b) Select the channel(s) the flow will be used for.
c) Select the language(s) you want to produce the flow for.
d) Select the intent that most aptly describes the general area of your flow. If you can’t find an intent matching your flow, you have to first create a new intent in the app ”AI Training”, for it to appear here in Dialog Editor. It’s not necessary for a dialog to have a selected intent.
3. Start your flow by dragging a blue User message node below the already existing green “Start” node on the canvas. Click to open the User message popup window. In the first box, type the initial question that will start this flow.
4. To connect nodes: When you hover over any node, a green dot will appear; this means that a connecting arrow can be drawn. Now, draw an arrow from the “Start” node to the first User message node by clicking and dragging the green dot, to connect the nodes.
Bear in mind that there must only be one node coming from the ”Start”node.
5. From here, carry on by adding and connecting more nodes from the first User message node, until your flow is complete.
6. Edit the arrows labels if necessary. If you give the user options, y double click a label to edit, ensuring that the next node corresponds to the correct resulting output of that label.
7. You can save your flow by anytime clicking the ”Save” button, top right just above the canvas area. Upon doing so, your flow will be saved to the list of available flows, but not published.
8. Before publishing your flow to ”Live” and making it available for your customers it’s a good idea to test the flow. Click ”Test” to the right of the ”Save” button.
9. If everything seems to work, you can go ahead and publish your flow by switching the ”Live” button just above the canvas area, and then ”Save” again. Now your flow is available to your customers.
Viewing available dialog flow
To view existing flows, click on ”Dialogs” in the top menu. A fly-out will appear with the complete list of all flows.
Editing dialog flow
1. Open the Dialog Editor app.
2. Start with clicking ”Create new dialog. Fill in information in the fly-out:
a) Try to make the title concise and specific, for example: “Instructions on how to become a business customer”. Note that you must have a title.
b) Select the channel(s) the flow will be used for.
c) Select the language(s) you want to produce the flow for.
d) Select the intent that most aptly describes the general area of your flow. If you can’t find an intent matching your flow, you have to first create a new intent in the app ”AI Training”, for it to appear here in Dialog Editor. It’s not necessary for a dialog to have a selected intent.
3. Start your flow by dragging a blue User message node below the already existing green “Start” node on the canvas. Click to open the User message popup window. In the first box, type the initial question that will start this flow.
4. To connect nodes: When you hover over any node, a green dot will appear; this means that a connecting arrow can be drawn. Now, draw an arrow from the “Start” node to the first User message node by clicking and dragging the green dot, to connect the nodes.
Bear in mind that there must only be one node coming from the ”Start”node.
5. From here, carry on by adding and connecting more nodes from the first User message node, until your flow is complete.
6. Edit the arrows labels if necessary. If you give the user options, y double click a label to edit, ensuring that the next node corresponds to the correct resulting output of that label.
7. You can save your flow by anytime clicking the ”Save” button, top right just above the canvas area. Upon doing so, your flow will be saved to the list of available flows, but not published.
8. Before publishing your flow to ”Live” and making it available for your customers it’s a good idea to test the flow. Click ”Test” to the right of the ”Save” button.
9. If everything seems to work, you can go ahead and publish your flow by switching the ”Live” button just above the canvas area, and then ”Save” again. Now your flow is available to your customers.
Removing dialog flow
To remove a flow:
1. Select ” Dialogs” in the top menu.
2. In the fly-out with all dialogs that will appear, mark the flow you wish to delete by clicking the box left of the flow.
3. Then choose ”Delete” from the buttons just above the dialog list.